There are 5 black puppies with little to no white on the chest and one saddled puppy. All puppies are short coats.
Only male left, he will look like dad but a little darker. Email or call for additional information and pictures.
All black female that will look just like her mother. Email or call for additional information and pictures. 602.618.1854
Zazzie had a litter of all saddled puppies with two males and 4 females. Waiting on the DNA results to know who the father is. All are short coats except for one long coat female. They were born on 12/19
Mazz is the only long coat in litter and will have a traditional look, less black than her mother. She is available. Contact us for more pictures and information.
Jake's mom died and is now back in our care. He is 107lbs and it is not all muscle lol. He so far has been great with other dogs and people. He hasn't had a lot of training and is just over 5 years old. He has had no health testing but is fixed. We are looking to place him quickly so if you know someone that might be interested contact us. Pictures coming soon. Rehoming fee of $300.
Dear Puppy Family, As a reputable breeder, the health of my dogs is my top priority. That's why I enthusiastically recommend NuVet Plus, immune system builder, to all of my customers. Simply put, it is the best nutritional supplement available today. To ensure your puppy gets off to the right start, they have been enjoying NuVet Plus every day as a treat (they love the taste). Continuing this daily regimen is the easiest and best way to keep your pet on the path to perfect health! Hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats use NuVet to support their immune system and provide optimal health. A robust immune system will protect them from environmental and food toxins such as back yard pesticides, hormones, germs from public places, and even toxic formaldehyde in furniture and carpeting. NuVet Plus will not only protect but also help them maintain a beautiful skin and coat. This is not just a vitamin. It's an immune system builder with a precise balance of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, amino acids, and high-potency antioxidants. That's why it works so well through all three stages of a dog's life. P For puppies - Fills the immunity gap all puppies experience. Shortly after birth, maternal antibody effectiveness is significantly reduced. By eight weeks, your puppy's immune system is at a vulnerable point. Once in their new home, the immune system is weakened by the stress of adoption and the exposure to novel bacteria and viruses in their environment. This is also when the vaccine series is completed. Vaccines are most effective if the immune system can respond adequately. Starting NuVet Plus now is essential to helping your puppy grow into a healthy adult. P For dogs in their prime - Improves their skin and coat's luster while providing the necessary antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to sustain their body's peak performance during the prime of their lives. P For older dogs – Helps provide the nutritional requirements to help them live long, happy, and productive lives in their senior years. NuVet is not available in stores and is only available to the general public with an authorized pet professional's order code. For your convenience, you may order directly from the manufacturer by calling 800-474-7044 and using Order Code: 61927, or ordering online at Labs Products - Pet Vitamin Supplements for Your Dog & CatNuVet Labs produce a wide range of high-quality pet supplements including NuVet Plus and NuJoint. Read the Nuvet plus reviews and NuJoint reviews! You can also save an additional 15% and assure you never run out of NuVet by choosing the "AutoShip" option at check out. To the long life and health of your puppy!
We do need to start with getting the things he needs for his arrival to his new family. You will want to get a rope-type toy, a fillable rubber toy or two and several ball toys. I love the products I have linked below, super durable for those things you really want to last and need to be dependable. Toys
You also need to order his vitamins, and should have already received a letter about them. We get them direct from NuVet Labs, so there is no overhead cost call: 1-800-474-7044 tell them you are getting a puppy from Abbott's German Shepherds / Ranelle order code 61927 for NuVet Plus, if you have not already placed your order. He will be a handsome boy; we want to be assured that his body is getting all the nutrients he needs to get to his full potential. It also aids in the best immune system development for a healthy life. Additionally, it reduces shedding and dog odor! This is absolutely the best vitamin we have ever found, and the dogs enjoy it too! I will send you information on other things he will need very soon.While you are getting ready for him, he will soon be working hard on his doggy door potty training to prepare for you. When they get their first shot, they start to use the doggy door!
We are so glad you are getting everything ready for your puppy. They need the toys to continue to make the brain connections they have started. They need the play and interaction the toys can provide. The toys will also help with teething which can be a difficult time. The vitamins are essential as they are not just there to help with nutrition; they are an immune system booster, which is super important now and in the future. All their life, they are exposed to different toxins even in the grass they walk on and the soil they dig in; they are in social situations where they are around dogs that may or may not be well; additionally, you will be going to the vet where there will be illnesses. NuVet vitamins will raise their immune system to be able to fight against all those things. It is not just for now but for the quality of the rest of their life. Thank you for caring enough to take the time to make these vital steps towards their future!
It is time for a little more info on what you need to do/get in preparation for your new "furever" family addition. Your puppy is doing excellent, they will be starting the doggy door training this week! Do you have a doggy door in your house? They will be nearly wholly doggy door trained when you get home. You can find dog door options try Petco. If you don't, you will want to get one, or you will want to look into what other types of house training you will want to do. You can find some house training options with Puppy Culture which is an excellent program for all stages.
Suggested diet for your new German Shepherd Puppy
Top 5 Food options:
If there is leftover food, you can put it in the refrigerator for later and just add a little more water when you are ready to give it again later. Change the serving size to fit your puppy/dog's needs as they grow.For questions on more feeding recommendations, please contact us.
For chewing, use the fillable toys from West Paw to fill with products from West Paw or Bark Pouch. We also recommend bully sticks and antlers from Get Joy or Petco; these make great chew toys and encourage them not to chew on shoes or furniture. They love the taste, so these are also valuable training tools. For training treats you can pick from any of the food options above. We especially love the freeze-dried ones from West Paw. We like the SnakPak from EzyDog to carry your treats around in for training. These are great right at home or on the go to conveniently reward positive behavior. This is used from the start with potty training and all the way through to adulthood in all training possibilities- a must-have. On the same site, you will want to select a bowl for travel. We know you will want to take your puppy everywhere so preparing now with a portable food and water bowl is a wise way to facilitate this.
When you first bring your puppy home, the neck size is usually between 10 and 12 inches. You will want a simple narrow nylon collar for the first three weeks until you get the last shot. After that, it is time to start some leash training. This is when you want to have a quality martingale. The martingale's cinching action helps prevent your pup from backing out of the collar during walks avoiding the risk of a slip out and run. The cinch is quick to engage, and the soft fabric releases easily for simple and effective commands and corrections without being overly harsh in this beginning stage of training. We recommend getting a size medium, it allows for 4 inches of adjustments and will usually last six months or longer (we have a one-year-old that still fits it). The fact they have such a wide range if designs with leashes to match will allow you to enjoy the style while knowing your special furry friend is safe and comfortable while learning. I would order this now so that they can have it loosely hanging on them while just hanging out at the house so they are used to it. Go to Wolf Gang Man & Beast pick your favorite design.Lastly, you will want to make sure you have a vet you want to go to that you have either had friends say is kind and trustworthy or have had a good experience with before. You will want to make an appointment with them for one or two days after getting home to verify your puppy's health. I will have already brought your puppy for a thorough exam and will inform you of any concerns my vet finds, but I feel strongly that you should start them off right by setting up to have a well puppy exam and next shot appointment. You can check out Vester
Time is drawing near!!
By now, you are well on your way to being ready for your puppy, and this special dream of having your puppy in your home is about to come true.We have gone over nutrition for their inner health, toys, and leashes for their activity and mental health; now it is time to look at sleeping and leisure time. Some decide to crate train, we agree this is a great idea and encourage you to do this for many reasons. If you have questions about how or why, I will be happy to talk about this when you pick up your puppy, but if you have already decided you want to, there are many options available, and we encourage you to buy one that is larger to allow your puppy to grow with the crate. You will also need to get a raised bed. We believe that raised or hammock beds are necessary for the health and social wellbeing of your German Shepherd (or any other breed). They are easy to move from one room to another, allowing for positive social, relaxing time without being removed from sight, which separates them from the family having a negative social impact. Your dog will have the cooling effect they need for a healthy coat and skin, which a crate or other beds do not create. We recommend you look at Lucky Dog
When we first realized the positive aspects of the raised beds, we tried several, but there were issues. First, the young ones chewed on the sides, the older ones may be too heavy, causing it to tear or have seams come out, so we were regularly replacing them. We have now, at last, found the PERFECT one, Kuranda beds! We are excited to share this with you, so now your furry friends can also benefit. The raised bed allows for the comfortable give in the mesh fabric to support the body while relaxing and not put pressure on the joints. It allows for air to flow all around, so no moisture getting caught, and that padded bed smell is no more! The allergens, yeast, dust the padded beds are not sitting there waiting for our furry friends to return. The mats caused by sweat and squirming around on the cushions are also no more! Then it is time to clean it- simple, just use a mild soap and spay it off! At first, the price of the Kuranda bed seemed a bit much, I admit, but when I realized the benefits to my German Shepherd's joints, the reduction in grooming, and the overall cost through my dog's life, the breakdown over the years made it actually a very minimal price. In the end, Kuranda beds are best for our dogs and well worth the price!
We know you are excited, and the day your puppy is coming home is quickly approaching! We are here to answer your questions, but we are not in your living room or with you at the park every day; that is why we want to give you all the tools you need to start right and have that excellent relationship with your puppy you are dreaming of. Please go to the Puppy Culture website: Scroll down and click on "I'm a puppy owner," they have three options: "Get started with puppy culture bundle," is what we recommend everyone does. This will give you all the beginning training and socialization information you need, and review it each step of the way! If you want that winning edge, I would do the "Rock start puppy bundle," this bundle has all the exciting basics of the first bundle, and it will also help you with detailed analysis, insights, and benefits of very early show training. My favorite is "The full Power of Puppy Culture" this one has it all, and I do mean ALL! If you're like us, you do not want to be limited with your puppy - from show performance to play that stimulates the brain and makes you laugh to plenty of snuggle time relaxing in the house. This one takes you from what to do the moment your puppy gets home, then to enrichment games, show training, and even advanced pet training and troubleshooting; it's all here.
If you have any questions about these, please call us or give them a call; we are always here to help you and your puppy have the best possible life experience!
Your puppy is scheduled to go to the vet for the head-to-tail exam. We will send you a picture from the vet and call or text you afterward to let you know how it went. We are at the exciting final steps, so if you have questions, that call would be a great time to ask them.Would you like to have your puppy microchipped? It is only $30. We have all of our dogs chipped, so if they ever get away from us, it only takes a scan by animal control, a vet, a shelter...and we are contacted! It is a minimal price for such a significant bit of security. Please send us a quick reply to let us note that decision on your paperwork. If you choose to have them chipped, then it will attach to your registration paperwork you will receive and activate worldwide when you send that in. Your wait is almost over!You may already have a vet but another excellent option, especially when you can not get into yours would be Vester
We realize with busy lives preparing for your puppy, while very important, may not be the only thing on your list of "to-dos." So, this is your checklist to make it a little easier. We hope it helps.
__ Rope toys and a ball__Brain activating toy Like Wast Paw__NuVet Plus vitamin__ Chosen Food and ordered __Food and water dishes__Bully sticks or bones__Nylon leash and collar__Vet appointment __Crate__Bed__Doggy door__ Puppy Culture Bundle
We know you have planned and prepared for your new puppy; this is your special time to bring in your new furry family member. You have this beginning, focused time, to bond and start training. Watch your Puppy Culture videos together; this will help everyone around the puppy be consistent with training. Please ensure that your puppy is continually monitored in this new environment for the best potty training and experience. Take this exciting opportunity and embrace the time as it forms the future. We are excited for all of our new puppy families! You can also look into using Dog Academy
If you have any questions, please just let us know; we are here for you!!
We do not feed puppies much the morning that they are going home. The stress of leaving on a potentially long car/flight ride can mean throwing up due to motion sickness. So, we like to be kind to our families and let them feed them when they get home. With the new home, new smells, new people, and not having their littermates around, this is quite a transition, so be sure to pick up some Kaopectate, preferably vanilla flavor (Walgreens usually has it), on the way out to pick up your sweet puppy. You will want to give 5 cc right before getting into the car to help settle the tummy for the drive home and prevent stress diarrhea. It is common for a puppy to have a loose stool for the first few days, so do another 5 cc after each loose stool, this is VERY important. They usually settle in, and it goes away in a few days but can last about a week. The more consistent you are with giving the Kaopectate, the faster the tummy can settle, and they can have the complete joy of their new home. Remember, the closer to the regular feeding we have started, the easier it is to help them feel at home and less stress on the digestive system. We like to give the vitamin just before dinner or mixed in with food, but whatever time of day you choose will be fine. Keep the vitamin bottle close to the food, so it is not forgotten this is important now and for your new friend's entire, healthy life. If you have not taken the time to read over the "Care Page" on our website this would be a good time to do so. You may have questions, so make a list to bring, make sure to get your answers during your pick-up time. If you think of something more, then shoot us a text or email, and we will do our best to answer.
My first advice is as soon as you bring your pup home, start with building a correct relationship between a pup and all family members of your household. Ensure you convey to your puppy that you are your family/pack leader. Be always fair to your dog and do not correct or praise her based on your emotions. The first step towards building a relationship is to spend quality time with your puppy. Walk with your pup daily instead of letting it roam around in your yard alone. Games like 'hide and seek' are excellent for building a great relationship with your puppy and teach them to stay close to you and enjoy your company.
Potty trainingStart with a consistent potty-training regiment. Put a jingle bell on your entrance doorknob; if you do not have a doggy door, and before you take your pup out, touch the bell with her paw and then take her out to the designated potty area outside. While a dog is still learning the potty area, you could have a gate around it. Each time your puppy goes potty in the correct location, do not forget to praise them enthusiastically and give a treat! Remember, in the beginning, your young puppy needs to go potty as soon as it wakes up in the morning, after a nap, after an active game, and after its meal. To reduce the number of times, you may have to take them potty during the night, remove water access a couple of hours before bedtime and bring them out just before bedtime. Keep it consistent and regimented; your effort will pay off very soon! Petco has bells for the door and doggy doors.
Teach your puppy her placeTeach your puppy their place. If it's a crate, tell your pup 'Go to your place' (or something like this) every time they enter voluntarily, or to get a toy, or a treat that you planted there to lure them there be sure to praise your puppy with "Good job ~ go to your place!" Pretty soon, your puppy will make a connection between the action/words you are saying and go to the crate, the Kuranda bed, or another designated area when you tell them, "Go to your place."
Please use your Puppy Culture training video; these will save you from unnecessary stress (for all of you, including your puppy). If you use the videos wisely, you may not need anything else, saving a great deal of time and money. After a couple of weeks in their new home, if you find you need a training session to start new things like beginning leash training. Sometimes, there is some "problem solving" needed about this time, like how to stop them from mouthing/biting, stay out of the trash, fear of strangers... all of these can be worked on in one session with Shell if you do not feel the videos have given you all the answers you need. If you are out of state Skype/Face-time sessions are an option. Just call her, 602-618-1854, to set that time, do not allow any behavior to get out of hand but keep the directions clear and learn to resolve it quickly. You can also contact Dog Academy for additional help online.
Teach your puppy to understand the meaning of human wordsImagine that you could not speak and get into a home where the language is unknown to you. Imagine you depend on these people for food, water, walks, and entertainment. Well, that is pretty close to the environment your pup is in your home. Your task is to make your pup comfortable in your home, teach her your language and encourage good behavior while discouraging unwanted ones. Like children, puppies need to establish boundaries and a clear understanding of their place and role in the family. Ensure that you are consistent and not allowed today if you don't permit tomorrow or the day after. Otherwise, you will only confuse your puppy.
I start teaching my puppies by merely saying words that correspond with their actions. For example, I teach my pups to shake off the water when they get wet on command simply by observing their natural behavior and reinforcing it verbally. As soon as I see them naturally shaking after their bath, I say: "Shake! Good shake!" and make it into a really big deal' praising them for doing something very natural for them. If I have a treat handy, I will give a treat. After I do this for a while, my pups connect between their actions and the words I am saying. To teach a pup to sit on command or get down, I take a very similar approach. There is, of course, an aid of treats and toys that could be used to provoke a desired action, such as for 'sit' lifting a toy above the pup's head and move it to the back provokes a pup to look up and drop her rear end to the ground. As soon as I get the behavior that I expect from my puppy, I praise it "Yes! Good Sit!" and give a treat or release a toy.
Teach your puppy to come to you reliably.One of the most important commands to start working on is "come." Recall training begins on the leash, making it easy to help the puppy when she is not coming or gets distracted. However, I cannot stress enough the importance of off-leash training. If recall training is done only on a leash, sooner or later, your pup will realize that the only control you have is when the leash is attached to her collar. Shepherds are brilliant creatures, and they usually realize this pretty soon. I start my off-leash recall training as early as possible. The younger the pup, the easier it is to convince her that she cannot ignore, escape, or run away from me. My goal is to convey to my puppy that I am in control at all times and can reach her anywhere. This is very easy to do when the puppy is still little and cannot run fast yet. I try to make it fun for a pup to come to me, so she would prefer to come because it is more fun than any distractions. I always carry treats and a toy in my pocket with me. I avoid running after my pup if she does not come; instead, I run away to provoke it to chase me. If I have to get my puppy, if she is not paying attention and not coming despite all my efforts, I come close enough to get her attention and then call her again to encourage her to come to me voluntarily. After my pup does the first steps towards me, I praise her with enthusiasm: "Yes! Come!!!" and when she reaches me, I lavish her with praise and give her a treat she loves. The task is to make it clear to a puppy that coming to you is fun and exciting while not coming is unacceptable and will result in some appropriate correction. There are times when my puppy gets distracted by a smell (or something else) and ignoring me. In this case, I do chase my pup. When I get close enough to get its attention, I say in a very stern voice, "No!" and simultaneously throw something like a soft ball or a leash into my pup to get her attention. Usually, after a ball or a leash touches the pup or lands next to it, the puppy gets amused and stares at me. I immediately start playfully running away from my pup while encouraging her to come to me. After my puppy makes her first steps towards me, she gets praise, and after she reaches me, she gets more enthusiastic praise and a treat. Suppose all fails and my pup is stubbornly refusing to pay any attention to me or decide to run away. In that case, I chase her and apply a mild correction that is very similar to what puppies used to get from their mothers - I grab the puppy's scruff and mildly shake it while saying in a very low voice, "No!". After that, I step back few steps, crouch to the ground, and ask my pup to come using an encouraging tone of voice. As soon as the puppy makes her first move towards me, she gets praised, and when she reaches me, she gets praised lavishly verbally and rewarded with a treat. Pretty soon, my puppies learn that coming to me is the best thing in the world, while not coming is no fun at all. In other words, they learn to respect me. The important thing is never to allow your puppy to ignore your recall from the first command or not paying attention to you when called. Please ensure that your off-leash recall training sessions are in the fenced area until you can trust your dog to come 100% under any circumstances. Otherwise, you risk your puppy escaping from you and getting lost.
Learn how to correct your puppy effectivelyBe honest with your pup, and always let her know when she does something you are not happy with. I usually say 'No", "Stop," or make a sound "ah-oh!" to let my puppy know when she is breaching boundaries. Now "No" will mean nothing to a pup if a pup does not connect it to a disciplinary correction. Please keep in mind that the type of correction for a puppy depends on her personality and drive level. For a soft, gentle pup, a stern voice, gentle pop on the leash, or throwing something soft in her direction would be enough to convey "No" or "Stop." For an alpha, strong-headed pup with a high level of drive, you might need to use a firm scruff shake, lifting a puppy by the scruff with her front legs off the ground and looking directly into her eyes with a low voice "NO!", or even pinning the pup to the ground and restrict her movements until she submits to your authority. KNOW YOUR PUPPY TEMPERAMENT! It is easy to overcorrect the puppy and ruin her trust if you do not know exactly how much correction is enough for your puppy. It is also easy to under-correct the puppy and raise a dog who has learned to ignore you, your corrections and is convinced that she can do whatever she pleases. Always follow up with encouragement after applying a correction and getting your puppy's correct behavior.
Use corrections and distractions to stop unwanted behavior. Example of using a distraction: if a pup grabs a rock, you could say "leave it!" and show a treat in your hand, which provokes the pup to drop the rock and focus her attention on a treat. As soon as the pup drops the rock, say: "Yes! Leave it!" and give your puppy a treat. Example of using a correction: if your pup pulls on the leash, you could say "Slow down!" and pop the leash to stop the pup from motion and get her attention on you, and then you turn the other direction. As soon as you get the pup's attention and she stops or slows down, say, "Yes! Slow down! Good puppy!"
It is also equally important to convey to your puppy when she does something good that pleases you. I give a treat and lots of praise and kisses to my puppy every time she looks into my eyes to reward her attentiveness. I virtually become a treat dispenser for the first six months of my puppy's life and treat my puppy generously for every behavior I like to encourage. Gradually treats become less present later in the pup's life, so vocal praise and a game become the primary encouragement source.
Train in games Train your pup while walking and playing with it. Do not just passively walk or play with your puppy but observe her actions and recognize natural characteristics you like to promote in your pup. As soon as your puppy does something, you would like to encourage say a word that you want your puppy to remember this behavior by and then "Yes!" and repeat the word associated with the action again (repetition is crucial for your puppy to memorize commands). For example, when my puppy is running ahead of me and then decides to stop and look where I am - this is an excellent characteristic that I would like to encourage, so I say - "Wait - Yes! Wait! Good puppy!" - and play with my pup as a reward, or give her a treat. When my pup runs towards her toy, I say, "Get it!" and encourage her to bring it to me. As soon as my pup grabs the toy, I say, "Yes! Get it!" and play with my pup as a reward for getting the toy and bringing it to me. This is one of the easiest ways to teach a puppy human language and a set up behavioral 'reflex' in her mind to respond with appropriate action to the words we say.
We are very excited for you and this new adventure; we hope this information helps start, for you and your puppy, towards a beautiful life. You are not alone; we are here for you. If you have questions or need help, give us a call. Shell 602-618-1854
We hope all is going well with your puppy and want to just give you a bit of encouragement, reminders and ask a favor.
I want to encourage you to consider setting up a time for an in-home visit to discuss and prevent any issues that may be of concern; start on leash training, and now that they should have all their puppy shots get direction on beginning socialization. There is a great deal of information available in the Puppy Culture videos and on our training page (if you need that link, please let me know), but we want to remind you that preventing negative behavior is often easier than correcting it. We want to help you make sure this puppy is a blessing to you and the family. If you would like to talk about a one-on-one training call/text Shell 602-618-1854. Let's set that up!
We would also love it if you would take a few minutes, share a picture on our FB page or Goodgle, and give us a star rating. As you know, our puppies are very important to us, and we are excited about watching them grow. This is such an exciting time for you, and we want to share it.
We know you have read all this before but one more reminder: As a dog breeder, animal health is my top priority. We know it is easy to remember to feed your puppy but remembering to give them their vitamin needs to be just as important. Your puppy's health depends on you. That's why we enthusiastically recommend NuVet Plus, an immune system builder, to all of our customers. Simply put, it is the best nutritional supplement available today. Hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats use NuVet Plus to provide optimal health and a robust immune system. A strong immune system will protect them from environmental and food toxins such as backyard pesticides, hormones, toxic formaldehyde in furniture and carpeting. NuVet Plus also supports proper development as well as beautiful skin and coat. This is not just a vitamin. It's an immune system builder with a precise balance of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, amino acids, and high-potency antioxidants. That's why it works so well through all three stages of a dog's life. For puppies - Fills the immunity gap all puppies experience. Shortly after birth, maternal antibody effectiveness is significantly reduced. By 8 weeks, your puppy's immune system is at a vulnerable point. Once in their new home, the immune system is weakened by the stress of adoption and exposure to novel bacteria and viruses in their environment. This is also when the vaccine series is finished. Vaccines are most effective if the immune system can respond adequately. Continuing NuVet Plus now is essential to helping your puppy grow into a healthy adult. For dogs in their prime - Provides the necessary antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to sustain peak performance during the prime of their lives. For older dogs - Helps provide the nutritional needs to live long, happy, and productive lives in their senior years. At this stage, we usually add the NuVet joint to keep them moving strongly as long as possible.We highly recommend NuVet Plus to keep your pet on the path to perfect health! It's not available in stores and is only available to the general public with an order code from an authorized pet professional. We have already given you the information for it, but in the excitement of getting your puppy, if you forgot, here is the information again. For your convenience, you may order directly from the manufacturer by calling 800-474-7044 and using Order Code: 61927, or ordering online at You can also save an additional 15% and assure you never run out of NuVet by choosing the "AutoShip" option at check out. To the long life and health of your puppy!
We want to remind you that we are here for you when you need us- just reach out!
We want to remind you that preventing negative behavior is often easier than correcting it. If you have not checked out our training page yet, please do Out of the Shell Dog Training. There are regular helpful posts, and you can scroll through previous posts to find the ones that can help. If you have a concern or information you would like to see posted, we would love to have you message us on there about it. We want to help you make sure this puppy is the blessing to you and your family you are looking for. I also invite you to watch this short video if you feel your puppy is doing well but then sometimes acts like he/she just forgot everything you have been teaching. It can help in understanding how they think and how you can work with this. Michael Ellis on YouTubeMichael Ellis on Understanding the Concept of GeneralizationThis video was taken out of Three Day Workshop (2019) online course with Michael Ellis. Available at: Have questions? Check out the largest dog training QA database (3,000+ entries) or submit your question to ask Cindy! WEBSITE LINKS
We also want to thank you for allowing us to be who you came to for your amazing German Shepherd! We would love to have you share pictures and progress with us, and if you have not had the time or opportunity to give us a review, we would love to have you do that too: Facebook and on Google
As always, if you have questions, we are here for you!
Abbott's German Shepherds
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temperaments and conformation to the breed standard.
We want to make sure that every puppy finds the perfect home. That's why we have a thorough adoption process that includes a puppy application, reference checks, and a home visit. We are always available to answer any questions or concerns you have along the way.
Sable, Saddle, Black
Abbott's German Shepherds in ARIZONA
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